Thursday, May 21, 2009

How can I be so freakin busy?

Someday I hope to start my blog, today is not that day though...
This is me road racing. Notice the look of extreme disorientation on my face. Yes, that's my race face. Rad...
I'm fat and out of shape (again!) but I still love everything on two wheels. Road, Mountain, & Motorcycles. I've recently had a few set backs but think I may be "bottoming out" so to speak. Problem is I'm at the bottom of the hole, flat on my back and I'm having trouble summoning the energy to get up! Maybe I'll just lay here a little longer staring at the sky? Tomorrows a new day... Another day to make small choices that may make life a little better. One things for sure, I look forward to "getting back" into cycling and feeling like myself again. Or perhaps something even better...