Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lets call it...

This year, for all intents is over. Kaput. Shot. Most decidedly it has amounted to the greatest crash and burn of my life... The only thing (chance?) left to do is grab my boot straps and pull. Pull, fucking PULL! I won't say this is it, won't say I'm going to change because the only thing worse than being out of shape is bullshitting about what you're going to do. Actions. Not words.

Happy Holidays,



  1. Let's not call it. There are 6 weeks until the end of the year to get something positive started. It doesn’t have to be huge, just enough to build on. Get started so when the New Year comes it’s just a matter of adding another rock to the foundation. Time to set the cornerstone my friend.

  2. Merry Christmas, Now get your shit together for the New Year! I want to ride with my bud!

  3. weekend warrior...what the hell?? It's been since November. surely you have some blogworthy chatter to share.
    Let me help you:
    how was your winter?
    See any great movies lately that you can't shake?
    what's the last excellent meal you had?
    Meet anyone new?
    Ride much?
    Acquire any kickass winter gear?
    lusting after a new bike/parts/etc?
    Discover an awesome beer?
    What's your favorite place in the whole wide world?
    kthxbye :)

  4. Now Kim,

    Ken needs some motivation beyond blogging. I have been trying to motivate Ken since last summer. Maybe he will do it if you tell him to get his crap together. He needs to get out of NY for a weekend and I have tried to invite him down for some trail riding at FH and White Clay but no luck. See what you can do!

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